
    페이스북 트위터 


    A dedicated eel fishing rod was born with emphasis on professionalism!
    Power level up, which is clearly different from existing eel fishing rods. A professional eel fishing rod was launched, which has strength, endurance and power by using highly elastic carbon and applying the golden ratio. It secures even stability of casting, thanking to the butt section reinforced by WXW fibre. It can cast a tackle to a correct position with strong waist power, even at a place where does not guarantee casting backyard, such as a steep cliff. It can immediately land a large fish that instantly bites and runs. The tip minimizes strange feeling when an eel bites. With a glass blank that can deliver a subtle bite, sensitivity has been upgraded.

    By installing a guide rotating prevention lock to #1 section, guide rotation and line twist are minimized.
    *For 25-390 model, a reel seat position has been adjusted to keep it in a bag when a reel is still attached to the rod.

    GUIDE SYSTEM : "SIC" RING Considering Long Casting WM Type and Line Friction
    SPECIAL TECHNOLOGY : #1 Section:GUIDE Rotating Prevention Holder / Two Tone Colors (White and Fluorescent Orange) to Secure Visuality of the Top.
    BLANK TECHNOLOGY : #1 Section:Creating Parabolic Action using GLASS Fibre to Easily Detect a Bite, #BUTT Section:Using WXW Fibre

    20-360 (GRIP 415mm)
    All-round model focusing on simple storage and mobility. It has convenience of control that delivers a tackle to a correct position even at a place with a narrow backyard, like a dam and a steep cliff. It can safely deliver a tackle to a point with soft action. This model is loved by anglers who prefer to deep biting of an eel by gentle tip action.

    25-390 (GRIP 475mm)
    As the most widely used model, it has excellent applicability for a variety of fields and long length and excellent sinker load. It is the most suitable model to deal with Number 20–30 tackles and also have the most suitable length and balance for accurate casting. The reel seat length is optimized to store the rod when a reel is still attached to it.

    30-420 (GRIP 505mm)
    The model can easily cast Number 25-35 sinker and aim at an eel at a wider river system, an open area and a dam. It can fight and suppress an eel that is quickly running way, with strong waist power. It can be used for surf cast aiming to whiting, flounder and bream at a beach or a breakwater as it has a sensitive tip.

    30-450 (GRIP 505mm)
    This powerful model has strong waist power that allows full casting of Number 25-35 sinkers without difficulty. It shows a high satisfaction level between eel chasing anglers who want immediate control of large fish. The tip is designed to feel subtle bite and hook up a bite without strange materials. It is recommended for surf casting anglers who aim to whiting, finespotted flounder and bream at a beach or a breakwater.

    ※Designs and specifications are subject to change without prior notice due to improvements.

    ※CARBON : 93% , GLASS : 7%









    P.E LINE



    Retail Price












    3.6 5 85 285 1.6 25.6 56~93 35~50 7 415 140,000


    3.9 5 92 325 1.6 25.6 75~112 35~50 7 475 145,000


    4.2 5 96 410 1.6 27.9 93~131 35~60 7 505 150,000


    4.5 5 102 435 1.6 27.9 93~131 35~60 7 505 155,000

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